Matt and Brady Olsen Range Rams
Matt Olsen
I have been raising rams for over 40 years. Over 30 of those years I have been taking quality rams to the Utah Ram Sale. I was fortunate enough to be raised by one of the greatest purebred sheep men, my dad, Norman Olsen. I am also fortunate enough to have met and become friends with many different sheep men across the country and enjoy being apart of the sheep industry.
Written By: Matt Olsen
Spanish Fork, UT
Brady Olsen
I started raising sheep when I was in the 8th grade. My dad let me pick out 5 head of ewes to start with. I was able to grow my herd from there. I have been taking rams to the Utah Ram Sale for 12 years now and have enjoyed every minute. I am also very fortunate to have had the chance to raise bucks along side my dad, Matt Olsen and grandpa Norman Olsen. I’m grateful for the opportunity I’ve had to met a lot of great sheep men throughout the years. Dad and I are lucky enough to see some of the great lambs that are produced from the Rams at this sale. It’s always a pleasure in the fall to load lambs and see what the real American Sheep Industry is all about. Together we are very grateful for the Utah Ram Sale and the opportunity it has given us to market our rams.
Written By: Brady Olsen
Spanish Fork, Utah